


It is established within the Board of Directors of Garofalo Health Care S.p.A. a Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee with responsibilities also in relation to transactions with related parties, as recommended by the Corporate Governance Code, as well as in compliance with Consob resolution no. 17221 of 12 March 2010, as subsequently amended, containing the "Regulations for Related Party Transactions " and with the "Procedure for the regulation of transactions with related parties" adopted by the Company.

The Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee has investigative, proactive and consultative functions towards the Board of Directors to support its assessments and decisions relating to the internal control and risk management system, the approval of periodic reports of a financial and non-financial nature , as well as on the sustainability of business policies.

Furthermore, in its capacity as the competent committee for transactions with related parties, it examines and provides a prior opinion to the Board of Directors in relation to transactions with related parties and carries out all the tasks required by the relevant procedure.

The Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee is made up of non-executive and independent directors Franca Brusco (Chairman), Giancarla Branda and Federico Ferro-Luzzi.

The Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee has adopted its own regulation, as a self-regulatory act relating to the methods of carrying out its activities, approved by the Board of Directors.



It is established within the Board of Directors of Garofalo Health Care S.p.A. a Nomination and Remuneration Committee with investigative, proactive and consultative functions, as recommended by the Corporate Governance Code.

The Appointments and Remuneration Committee is made up of the non-executive and independent directors Federico Ferro-Luzzi (Chairman), Franca Brusco and Alberto Oliveti.

The Appointments and Remuneration Committee has adopted its own regulation, as a self-regulatory act relating to the methods of carrying out its activities, approved by the Board of Directors.