Sustainable growth is "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". In this sense, sustainability offers companies an opportunity to assess how best to ensure their businesses survive within a dynamic system, with the aim of providing efficient, quality services that are continuously improved over the medium and long term.
GHC in this regard has always paid particular attention to the topics of sustainability, transparency, compliance, ethics and responsibility, values that the Group considers to underlie its significant "intangible" advantages, comprising of its reputation, its history and the set of principles that dictate the actions of a company operating in a particularly sensitive sector such as health and the care of the individual and which is socially responsible.
It is from this perspective that GHC has always sought to create a model whose high-quality is based on a "patient-centred" system, which considers the patient in his or her entirety, not only from a clinical-medical point of view, but also from a psychological, relational and family point of view.
In light of the above, GHC is committed to operating in compliance with the guiding principle for the Group's personnel and governance conduct "Health is the most precious good a person can have", contributing, with efficiency and innovation, to strengthening the role of the accredited private sector within the National Health System.
As part of the 17 objectives known as the "Sustainable Development Goals" (Sdgs) identified in the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 prepared by the United Nations on 25 September 2015, the GHC Group proceeded to select, on the basis of its activity, the priority sustainable development objectives for the Group, namely those which GHC believes it can contribute actively in the long term.