
ESG Policy

The facilities of the GHC Group are all organized according to a "patient-centered" model, based on the centrality of the patient, considering all their physical, psychological and social needs.

Precisely the social nature of the activity carried out by the facilities requires the Group to take a profound interest in its most precious capital, represented by all the people who, with their ideas and professionalism, commit themselves daily to ensuring patients the best human experience and professional as possible.

GHC is also aware of the growing expectations fed by its stakeholders in relation to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) issues, of which the Social area, which also includes the issue of diversity and inclusion, plays a significant role for the Group precisely in the light of the specific activity carried out.

As for the above mentioned, GHC has undertaken a process aimed at formally recognizing and supporting the values of diversity and inclusion within the Group.

In this context, this Diversity & Inclusion Policy aims to define guidelines, guidelines and commitments regarding Diversity and Inclusion issues, based on understanding, respecting and valuing the differences of each person within the Group.